Yoga Flow

Yoga Flow ដែលជារឿយៗគេហៅថា Vinyasa Flow ឬសាមញ្ញ Vinyasa គឺជាយូហ្គាដែលសង្កត់ធ្ងន់លើទំនាក់ ទំនង រវាងដង្ហើម និងចលនា។ នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ Yoga Flow ក្បាច់ (asanas) ត្រូវបានភ្ជាប់គ្នាជាលំដាប់ដូចទឹកហូរ ដែលជារឿយៗផ្តោតលើសកម្មភាពជាមួយនឹងដង្ហើម ដើម្បីបង្កើតចលនាជាបន្តបន្ទាប់។
Breath-Synchronized Movement:** Each movement in Yoga Flow is typically matched with an inhale or an exhale, helping practitioners maintain a rhythm and focus throughout the practice.
**Emphasis on Transition:** The transitions between poses are just as important as the poses, encouraging practitioners to move with mindfulness and grace.
**Strength, Flexibility, and Balance:** This style helps build strength, flexibility, and balance, as it often incorporates postures that challenge different aspects of physical fitness.
**Mindfulness and Meditation in Motion:** Yoga Flow is not a physical practice but also a moving meditation that encourages practitioners to stay present, connecting body, mind, and breath.
**Accessible to Various Levels:** Although it can be vigorous, Yoga Flow is adaptable to all levels, with modifications available for beginners and variations to challenge more experienced practitioners.